El misterio de la tiara de Cartier robada (valía 1 millón de euros) que Tamara Falcó no podrá heredar cuando sea oficialmente marquesa de Griñón

La trama es digna de cualquier murder mistery de Agatha Christie (afortunadamente sin la parte ‘murder’): una boda, una tiara de Cartier de platino y diamantes valorada en 1 millón de euros y un robo. Tamara Falcó hereda el título de marquesa de Griñón, pero no esta preciosa joya vinculada a él.

La bellísima joya era parte de una colección que Cartier diseñó en los años 20, las llamadas Fountain Tiaras. La última vez que se la vio en público fue adornando la cabeza de una novia, Hilda Armada Falcó. Hilda es prima de Tamara por parte de padre.

Es hija de Álvaro María Armada, conde de Revillagigedo, y de María del Rocío Falcó, condesa de Berantevilla. Además de ser ella misma condesa de Güemes, un título que le cedió su padre, trabaja como gerente de relaciones artísticas en Estée Lauder desde 2010.

¿Cómo perdió la prima de Tamara Falcó una tiara de un millón de euros? No la perdió: se la robaron. Hilda Armada se casó en 2011 en la Quinta de Deva (Gijón), una finca de ensueño para una boda de postín a la que acudió, como no, su prima.

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Hilda’s tiara was stolen in 2012. I told you we would get to the “who done it” part eventually. The whole story is that Hilda’s ‘Fountain Tiara’ was kept in Asturias at one of their many properties instead of moving it back to Madrid where the family usually kept it. Sitting in the safe, the tiara was thought to be in good hands and although the family spends the summers in that house, their main residence is in Madrid and a Bolivian couple were in charge of the house and the safe. You can probably tell where this is going and you would be right. During the spring of 2012 the Bolivian couple let in some people they didn’t know to which they promptly opened the safe and took a clock, 35,000 euros, several antiques and the tiara. The Civil Guard, from the command of the government began an investigation to discover the whereabouts of the missing jewel. Seven months later in January 2013 they found the Bolivian woman who worked on the Count’s estate and uncovered that she put a family member of hers in charge of hiring robbers to steal the family jewels. The guard as well as the four other men were arrested for robbery. In 2014 the Civil Guard concluded that the tiara had traveled to Bolivia in the hands of the sixth accuser and from there it was probably separated into pieces and the stones sold in parts. Thus the investigation was closed with no hope of ever seeing the reappearance of the tiara again. There you have it, a who done it and with what. My personal, bedazzled opinion is that this isn’t the same tiara as Hilda’s although its claimed to be. My reasoning for this is that I highly doubt Christie’s is in the business of selling stolen merchandise and the fact that this tiara seems to be quite smaller than the one Hilda wore. Also knowing that Cartier made a few of these ‘Fountain Tiaras” I’m going to take a guess that in the 1920’s another titled lady also bought a tiara like this, since they were all the rage in the Roaring Twenties. I mean, it’s like in today’s world a hipster buying a plaid shirt. Everyone’s got one. On a not so sidetone, I do love this tiara a lot. Anything Art Deco gives me all the feels. What do you think?

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Tras el enlace, la tiara se quedó en mudó a la Quinta de la Peña de Francia, que no es la vivienda habitual de la familia y estaba custodiada por unos guardeses. Un par de años después, esta joya y otros objetos valiosos fueron robados de la casa. La Guardia Civil consideró sospechosos a los empleados, aunque más adelante detuvo a una familiar de estos, que al parecer había contactado con una banda de ladrones para encargarles el golpe.

A pesar de las pesquisas de las autoridades, esta Fountain tiara se considera desaparecida e irrecuperable; lo más probable es que se vendiera a piezas en el mercado negro. Así, la nueva marquesa de Griñón no podrá lucir nunca esta joya que llevaba décadas en su familia.

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