Georgina Cox: La entrenadora personal que quiere ames tu cuerpo

Poco a poco la sociedad está cambiando y vamos queriendo más nuestros propios cuerpos y los de los demás. Los mensajes ‘body positive’ han ido cobrando fuerza en nuestra vida y nuestras mentes, de eso no hay duda, pero todavía falta mucho camino por recorrer. Por eso nos seguimos emocionando cuando ‘celebrities’ como Drew Barrymore o ‘influencers’ tan importantes como Kenzie Brenna elevan la voz para dar visibilidad a los mensajes positivos. Nos supone una gran alegría leer estas palabras de ánimo y siempre estamos buscando referentes en las redes sociales, así que estamos realmente felices con nuestro último descubrimiento en Instagram. Hoy hemos dado con el perfil de Georgina Cox, una entrenadora personal que quiere ames tu cuerpo y no te obsesiones con alcanzar el peso supuestamente «ideal».

Georgina Cox inició a lanzar estos mensajes, normalmente escritos sobre su piel o con ‘post-its’ colocados sobre su abdomen y su pecho, tras pasar por una experiencia personal complicada. Durante mucho tiempo pensó que tener un cuerpo «aparentemente perfecto» le traería la felicidad y tras mucho ejercicio bajó considerablemente de peso. Enseguida se dio cuenta de que no consiguió la felicidad que esperaba tras haber cambiado de aspecto y decidió centrarse en querer su cuerpo en lugar de mantenerlo con abdominales.

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Your WORTH is so much MORE than your body! We have been programmed to believe that our physical appearance is the most important thing about us. This belief can not only limit our self worth but our happiness within ourselves to how our body physically looks. You are more than the muscles on your body. You are more than the fat under your skin. You are more than your waist, your glutes and your perceived imperfections. You are YOU, which encompasses so much MORE than how you look. Who you are will NEVER be solely defined by your body! You are a loving partner who is supportive, understanding and kind when it is needed most. You an empowering friend, encouraging those around you to believe in themselves, despite lacking that belief sometimes in yourself. You are a caring and compassionate daughter, with a strong character, built by a strong woman. And you are the love and happiness you have brought to peoples lives, because of WHO you are are, NOT because of how your body looks. It’s natural to have days when you struggle with your body BUT these are the moments you need to remind yourself of EVERYTHING else you bring to this world that carries more worth than your body ever will ♥️

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Ahora, a sus 29 años y como entrenadora personal que es, Georgina Cox nunca les pide a sus clientes que se pesen o tomen otras medidas corporales. Ella quiere que midan sus resultados en términos de su propia felicidad personal.

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Friday morning training done, now time to write some programmes for my gorgeous online clients! Social isolation means a lot of us are now spending so much more time on our computers, phones and our social platforms! This is a good thing, it helps us all stay connected in a time that can be very lonely! However, it can also have a down side! When your phone can sometimes be the first thing you look at on a morning, especially when theres constant updates in the news, be mindful of how much it can effect you during the rest of your day. We truly do become products of our environment, and as our phones quickly become a big part of our environment please make sure the accounts you follow aren’t effecting the way you feel in a negative way. Think about the images and accounts you see every day, if you find yourself struggling with your body image, feeling anxious, unhappy or bad in anyway, please unfollow every single account that makes you feel this way! Start following more accounts that make you feel good, fill your feed with accounts that you can relate to, accounts that inspire you and empower you as you are! Don't underestimate how much better you’ll feel, every morning I wake up to some genuinely inspiring, real women, cute animal videos and allll the quotes on my feed! Change what you consume and notice the difference ? #friday #followfriday #socialmedia #socialisolation #follow #influence #content #environment #mindset #motivated #inspired #positive #happy #fitness #lifestyle #weights #weighttraining #strong #strongwomen #personaltrainer #middlesbrough #teesside #teessidegazette

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En su perfil, podrás ver a Georgina Cox practicando ejercicio como es lógico por su trabajo, pero últimamente ha decidido hacer de su perfil una herramienta de visibilidad de mensajes ‘body positive’. Por eso, encontrarás diferentes fotos de su cuerpo en distintas posturas para hacernos saber que la foto perfecta no existe o fotos con mensajes sobre su cuerpo (literalmente). Sin duda es la cuenta de Instagram que necesitábamos para descubrir lo mucho que debemos querer nuestro cuerpo.

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#repost @georginacoxpersonaltraining: "It’s OK to be BIGGER than your partner! We have been conditioned to believe that as a woman, we should ALWAYS be SMALLER than a man. We often associate matching or exceeding our partners weight or size with feelings of self hatred. It’s important to remember, just like women's bodies are different, MENS bodies are different too. Male or female, we ALL have completely DIFFERENT genetics, skeletal structures AND metabolisms. These varying factors dictate how our bodies look, meaning weight can look different on EVERYONE. As a woman you can feel like you HAVE to be dainty, petite and small. This narrative has been CONDITIONED in us by everything we consume, women always being shown as the DELICATE counterpart. My favourite tv shows and films growing up would ALWAYS depict a woman with a much smaller frame and a contrastingly much bigger partner. I would see them wearing their partners sweatshirt like a dress, because it was that BIG on them. Being EASILY picked up. Taking up LESS space sitting on their partners knee. I’ve had previous relationships where as the bigger one, I’d WASTE so many hours loathing my body for not being lighter than my partners, questioning HOW they could love my bigger body. Now, I know its OK if my bodies bigger than my partner. Its OK if my body weighs more than my partner. My body is my own. It’s unique, and it’s DESERVING of love regardless of the space it occupies. The size or shape of my body does NOT define the love I am allowed to receive from my partner. The size or shape of my body does NOT define me as a women. I am defined by so much MORE than my body, and so are YOU"

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